Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Good days

Ava and I have had 2 good days together; w/ Daddy on the road for work and siblings all off to school, I guess she figures she is stuck with me.  Just kidding.

She did tell me that she wants to go to mei mei Eliza's school.  ...We had our dr exam today and 3 shots.  Try explaining to a potty-brained, silly 7 yo old about how to collect a urine sample and stool sample too.  We both were cracking up over the mime demonstration that the visual required.  (She is so excited to try the stool sample, that she's been bugging me since coming home...poop on demand?...I wish I could do that...TMI)

Overall, she was a trooper, but then again "free and unlimited" lollipops and stickers are a way to this girl's brain and heart.  She didn't want the shots, but when I told her she'd have to have them to go to mei mei Eliza's school, she said okay.  LOL  If I told any other kid that, they'd pass on vaccinations in a heartbeat just as a way out of going to school!  Boy was she crying hard though over the shots.  (I also thought maybe it was just a good outlet for the tears that she might've been keeping in.)  Back home, all smiles again...and still asking to collect her poop!

Thanks for everyone's input about food experiences, suggestions and making me feel like every behavior is normal.   She's eating better (constant rice, noodles, Ramen, veggies, watermellon, eggs).   She's doing really well, settling in much more as each day passes and starting to like ME a little more again!  Hasn't stuck her tongue out since being put in timeout.  In fact, she's listening and responding to me very well now.

Except last night, she asked if she could sleep w/ me since Daddy was away.  I told her no.  So, then she told me to lay on Eliza's bed while Eliza and SHE snuggled in her bed.  Uh no.  I took back the control and told her if I couldn't lay w/ them, then Eliza would lay w/ me as usual.  She decided that Eliza was smothering her too much anyway, so she told me to take Eliza back over to her own bed.  LOL  (Couldn't blame her there!)

They've been falling asleep in 5 minutes flat.  Unheard of with Eliza.  Don't know what the magic is, but I'm thrilled!  I was back downstairs by 8:00 p.m. last night in time to enjoy primetime tv and tea for the first time in 1.5 years...seriously!  Of course, I didn't find anything good to watch so I started catching up on DVR recordings of Young and the Restless, Grey's Anatomy, thing I knew, it was midnight and they'd all be getting up in 6 hours!  Oh, but it felt so good to have ALONE time and control of the remote!


The Montieth Family said...

Did you take Ava to the Asian market yet? Shots are no fun, the poor thing! :( When are you thinking of starting school? Have I told you that she and Eliza are gorgeous?!

I am SO HAPPY for you that you are able to have some "Solo" time again. It is so important to rejuvinate if/when possible!

Uh, did you send the "vibes" over to me house by chance? (LOL)! Emma was up THREE times last night and Sophie is being a little stinker.

I miss you my friend and can't wait till Charleston!

the meaklims said...

Oh it sounds like things are going great Sarah! Amazing! I'm so glad you're getting a bit of alone time with the remote too! Sigh! Life is good! How is Eliza doing with jie jie?

Jill xx

Jean said...

So good to hear things are moving in a good direction! It is such a fascinating journey adopting at this age!

Sarah loved to eat cantaloupe, clementine oranges, chicken soups, scrambled eggs, and fried rice from any chinese restaurant.

Looking forward t your next post! ;-)

Reena said...

Sarah, it is truly amazing to read how Ava changes day to day. I rush to your blog everyday to see what is going on.

Your girls are lovely!

Dinn Family said...

Okay, haven't posted in awhile. Are you guys okay or did you or Ava finally just crash or melt down? Hope you're doing alright.