Sunday, November 8, 2009

Zoloft day 2, Eliza:  Too early in the day for a full report, BUT she just walked up to me and pulled her pj's at her bum area.  "Do you need a diaper change?"  "Mmmm" with a nod, she replied.  "Bring me a diaper please."  She walked into the bathroom and returned with a diaper.  She has NEVER told me that she need a diaper change (even in this way) and it's been many months since she's brought me a diaper, but never after just one request.  Fingers crossed; prayers being prayed...that the day continues this way!


The Ordinary Horse said...

Kristi, to answer your question on the previous post. Our ped neurologist prescribed the Zoloft for her ocd's and for her inability to focus, hyperactivity and sensory challenges. We are continuing the Clonidine right now, but so far it is not helping. I am supposed to talk to the neurologist again after 1 week on the Zoloft and will discuss the Clonidine again at that point. One of the side effects of Zoloft *can be* sleeplessness, so no, it's definitely not to help with the sleep issue (lol). -Sarah

Kristi said...

Oh goodness (your lol comment).
I know that getting the right medication and dosage for the sleep issues (per the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) can be tricky since kids with autism, biologically, can respond quite differently to medications and dosages. Eventually, they'll find the magic potion for E. In the meantime, beg your husband to let you take a nap when you can. It's so so so hard to function on empty!

day by day said...

wonderful news!!!

Cassani Family said...
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Cassani Family said...

gratefulfor8 said...
Hurrah! We swear by fish oil, ascidophillus, green drinks, and vitamin B complex for ALL my kids!
All that brain food helps.. Hope it continues to go forward! We have used zoloft here too, when one of my boys was six and destroying the house we had too use it. We had a new kid in less than three days and it continued for two years. Then he out grew the need for it.
I wish you could come out here and use our Horse therapy for Eliza . The gal here is great and has helped so many kids with this condition and others like CP , brain injuries etc. IT sure helps my one son tremendously! it is is caled Hoofbeats to Healing.. check out their website! See their testimonials!

Tiffany said...

Prayers for Miss E and all of you!!!!

Jean said...

I am so glad that Eliza is responding so well! She is such a beautiful child and to see her blossoming must warm your heart! You are an awesome MOM! Seriously - what a gift they are to you and you are to them! Keep us updated on what working and the progress you see- how exciting! Thank you Jesus!

I am in need of some more pics though? Where are they?

I now have Sarah saying- I don't know? She thought that was so funny!

Rachel said...

I am so glad that the Zoloft seems to be helping. You are an amazing mom to all of your girls. Eliza has come so far and will continue to grow as she gets older. I think that Ava is also having such a huge effect on her.

Hope all continues to improve!

Kelly B. said...

WONDERFUL news!!! How fantastic. I'll be praying that this is a trend that continues!

It was so good talking with you last week. We must do it again soon!