Saturday, November 7, 2009

Zoloft day 1, Eliza...all I can say is wow.  I met a new daughter today.  A daughter who looked us all in the eye.  A daughter who was smiling.  A daughter who was participating in jump rope along with her sister.  A daughter who didn't try to constantly run off from us.  A daughter who was actually sitting with us at my friend's patio, drinking water from a cup and being present.  A daughter who actually got into my friend Kim's car and happily sat there looking around to see where we were going instead of screaming and having a panic attack over getting into a stranger's car like she has in the past.  A daughter who needed only 1 prompt from me to follow an instruction.  A daughter who was trying to verbalize responses back to me again.  Wow.  I didn't get to this decision easily or lightly.  I prayed a lot about putting my 4 year old on this medication.  Now, I pray this very low dose (1/2 ml) continues to help her.


Kristi said...

This sounds like very good news!
I read your previous posts earlier in the week and have been mulling over the right words to share with you to ease your pain. ...Still mulling and then I came upon this new post. This sounds great! Very promising!! Did the neurologist suggest the Zoloft as an addition to the Clonidine to assist in E's sleep issues or for other challenges? At any rate, I am happy (so so happy) for you and precious Eliza!! More later friend.

day by day said...

Wow, Sarah! So happy to hear that!! Keep us updated on her progress with the new med!
Write me anytime you need to chat!


Reena said...


What wonderful news! We will pray that Eliza continues to do well on this medication. A dear friend of mine has gone through several years of behavioral stuff with her son before coming to the decision to try meds. I know it was very difficult for her-- the "all" of it. His meds have helped him and her tremendously. A new kid in all good ways.


the meaklims said...

Oh Sarah, that is super news. Prayers are being answered.

Jill xx

The Montieth Family said...

Dear Sarah-
I am enjoying following E's progress through the Zoloft Chronicals. :) I know that you did not come to this decision lightly and I am SO GLAD that it seems to be the right decision for Eliza. :) I hope that she continues to improve, it will be interesting to hear how school goes today! :) I left a VM with my doctors nurse today and am waiting to hear back. Love you and can not wait to see you!!!!