Sunday, January 4, 2009

A fun site!

W is for winter? Doesn't feel like winter here...the weather has been up to 70, then down to low as the teens at night or as high as the 60's at night. It's been weird. One thing I do know that W is for.... is wren...beautiful wren's here around our farm. I love the winter birds that flitter around in the thickets along our property line and pond. The other morning after feeding the horses, I stood along the tree line, about 6 feet away from a thicket and watched them all.

A very cool site that I found:

For anyone adopting from China or already home, this is an awesome site for printing out pages to color of objects (for example, "things to use in the kitchen") and under each picture is the Traditional Mandarin pinyin and the english word. (I believe they have Cantonese too.) I'm going to have lots of fun printing these out to bring to Nina Meiying for our downtime and the long plane ride home.

In the photo above, I think Nina Meiying is the girl across the table from the birthday cake extending her peace sign high above the others... what do you think? This was in June 08.

I don't have a date for this picture, but I think Nina Meiying is in the bottom row, red jacket, red/pink pants... What do you think? Either way, I enjoy looking at these photos and seeing all the beautiful children that spend their days, and some, their nights, together...

1 comment:

Reena said...


It looks as though you are pursuing an older child adoption from China? Best of luck! I hope to do the same in a couple years.