Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Whoooo hoooo!!! We are almost there... today I'm sending documents off to the various Chinese Consulars for authenticating! For those still in the paperchase phase, if you want to know how just one document can throw off your entire timeline read this: Derek's employment letter, originates in Minneapolis, did not have a notary acknowledgement statement on the letter (only the seal and signature). I mailed it off to the SOS (secretary of state) and 2 weeks later, got it back "rejected" because of the missing wording. Ugh! See... watch all the little important things carefully, dot your "i's", cross your "t's". When they tell you to make sure the notary's expiration is valid for at least a year, they mean it. The smallest thing can throw everything off!

So, what else has been going on besides all the day-to-day happenings? Well, you could say that Meiying's American name has become our mealtime topic of discussion. Seems that I'm still getting pushback on the name Nina. We've narrowed our choices down to about 4 names. We'll see, Nina is on that list. I still see Nina when I look at her picture or talk about her, but I do like some of the other choices as well. I don't like being unsettled about her name though. I think we need to establish a deadline so as not to drag this on and on and also give room to toss in other name suggestions. Allie is having lots of fun with that! Who knew today's kids names could be so creative. She'll come up with a name that sounds so made up and then she'll show me Facebook or MySpace where she knows 10 kids with that name! Huh! Of course, one of the four choices is also the #1 name given the year of 2002 (Meiying's birth year) so chances are there would be a half dozen classmates with that name.


Kristi said...

Congrats friend!!

When I was trying to determine a name, I reached for the Pottery Barn kids catalogue to rule out the names that are too common to use right now! I also read TV and movie credits when I could. Guess where I found my daughter-to-be's name? The Days of Our Lives credits! It's Nicole's name in "real" life. Hee hee :-)

Good luck with the name selecting...

The Montieth Family said...

Hi Sarah!

So the name game continues, I thought that we had settled on Nina?! ;-P

I remember the paperchasing all too well and I know as a Hague family you have more that we did.

I can't wait until your are LID!


Fiona said...

I've been reading your blogs for a while now - always love to watch those adoption journeys! And I love names - so had to make my first comment now. We have friends whose daughter's name is Christina but her nickname is Nina. Maybe that would work for you! Looking forward to what you decide - she is beautiful!

Fiona - mom to 2 daughters from China - one from Anqing and one from Yang Dong